Update on Twister, the Border Collie

As you many of you know, I adopt the dogs from work who are not claimed by anyone. Quite often dogs who are unclaimed have behavioral issues, and this is why they were abandoned. Twister is no exception. After being returned by two adopters because of his extreme issues, I have invested a large amount of money into professional training for Twister. Because some of his issues are related to inherited traits of the breed, it is a very complicated situation- there must be a balance between understanding his drives, and reeling them in to make them less extreme and his behavior more acceptable. Our ultimate goal is to make Twister a more adoptable, well mannered dog that can be placed in a home suitable for his breed. He needs an active farm type home with other Border Collies, and an experienced Border Collie savvy owner. I would appreciate any donations that folks could make toward Twisters continued training sessions. If you would like to donate toward Twisters rehabilitation, you can donate through paypal at foxladye@yahoo.com. Donations can also be mailed to: 11156 Old Glenwood Road, East Concord, NY 14055. be sure to specify “Twister” on your check and that donation will be applied directly to his fund


A Special Tribute to “Denali”, A Very Special and Loved Rottweiler

Denali and Laila


Adam and Lydia Pulka lost their beloved dog, “Denali” on June 2, 2012. They would like to honor Denali’s life by making a difference for other dogs in need. Adam and Lydia wrote the following about Denali and all that they went through with her.

As many of you know, Denali was very special to us. She helped us get through many transitions in our lives, such as, but not limited to, moving to North Carolina and then moving back to Buffalo to begin our teaching careers. Her sister, Laila, misses her very much, as they were best of friends. This past year, Denali fell sick to cancer, as she was only five years old. After returning home from vacation in April 2012, we noticed that Denali was not herself. It was very scary witnessing her sustain a seizure, and then finding out that she had a mass on her spleen. We were able to successfully have her spleen removed but then found out a month later that the cancer had now spread to her liver, and the biopsy revealed that her cancer was malignant histiocytic sarcoma. Making the hardest decision yet so far of our lives, we chose to make sure that Denali would not suffer any longer. Exactly one year ago from now, on June 2nd, 2012, Denali was euthanized. We believe a lot of these issues came from improper breeding of dogs, seeing that Denali’s mother was only nine months old at the time. We never realized that this was such a huge issue, but doing research on breeders showed how common these unfortunate actions are. This organization came highly recommended through a friend of the family, and what’s even more special is that one of the many miracles this organization does is they’ve saved and rescued Rottweiler puppy mills located in the area. The founder is always looking for donations, as well as foster parents to help her organization run and adopt dogs. In memory of Denali, we are looking to advocate and support this organization in hopes to stop improper breeding. Please donate whatever you can on behalf of Denali, if you feel that she has touched you in anyway. We can all make a difference, and thank you for your support. We will always love you, Denali.

If you would like to make a donation to help another dog in honor of Denali, you may do so by sending a tax deductible donation to:

“Denali”, Fox Wood Wildlife Rescue, Inc, 11156 Old  Glenwood Rd, East Concord, NY 14055

or, use PayPal :  foxladye@yahoo.com



Sad Dog Rescued from Highway

This poor dog was dumped along a busy expressway. She was stiff from being hit by a car, and living off road killed deer.  She ran from anyone who tried to lure her or catch her.  We became proactive and  set up a feeding station for her, and when we saw her actually eating the food at the station, she was trapped just a few days later.  She is now living at Fox Wood and learning how to trust humans again!

219 stray

She is the little brown blob in the middle of the hill of rocks.  This is as close as we could get to her in a car. Photographing her on foot was impossible because we couldn’t get this close


In the trap, growling and frightened because she is worried about her fate


She was a bag of bones

Brown Dog

Just a few weeks later: Happy at Fox Wood.  She has free roam of the house and yard. She loves our other dogs, loves car rides and loves to go for walks at the park with her pals.  She has gained considerable weight and has been dewormed, de-flead, and will be spayed soon. She is a very young dog that plays like a puppy. It is especially rewarding when she comes running to us now, instead of running away in fear as she did at first. We are so glad that we noticed this sweet dog curled up by the expressway fence and decided to take action to help her!

Another Special Dog : “Sammy”

Sammy is an abuse and neglect case.  He is still shy because of the abuse and wouldn’t have done well in a shelter atmosphere, so we brought Sammy to Fox Wood! We LOVE him!  He is so sweet and easy going. Sammy will get his shots, worming and be neutered shortly. Sammy is a clearly a Border Collie mix and will make some lucky adopter a loving companion. If you are interested in giving Sammy, or even Herbie (posted prior below) a forever home, please contact Fox Wood!



Herbie is the newest rescue at Fox Wood.  We are working very hard to socialize this Aussie mix puppy who was caught in a fox trap in January.  Given his behavior and state of health we assume that Herbie had been living on his own for a long time.  He was only four months old.  He loves the other dogs here and is very confident when they are around, but still doesn’t trust humans and is very shy around even us. He started Puppy School Tuesday and should be an interesting case, as his first day was spent cowering in the corners and crawling under anything he could get under. Hopefully Herbie will reach a point where he can be adopted by a dog savvy family with another dog or two to play with.

The Poor Little Dog Recovers!

Little dog

Thanks to everyone who donated, the Poor little Dog is now fully recovered! When we were called to the City of Buffalo Animals Shelter to pick up Athena, the “wild” Bengal cat, we couldn’t resist taking a quick walk through the dog kennels to see if there was someone else we could save. In the very first dog in the kennel was a pathetic little Pomeranian mix that looked very much like our little “Foofye”. She was very sick and we were told not a good candidate for adoption. We pulled a few strings and brought her home the next day. Even though she was taken to a vet right away and put on antibiotics, her pneumonia worsened. She also had extremely bad teeth, a gum infection, a mammary gland tumor, a broken tail and a urinary tract infection. She also needed to be spayed (particularly because of the mammary gland tumor). After several weeks of different antibiotics, a test was performed and it revealed that the bacteria in her lungs were resistant to most antibiotics. After several more weeks and almost losing her, a miracle happened and she recovered from the pneumonia. When she was strong enough, we had her spayed, removed the tumor and had eight bad teeth pulled. Since then she has doubled in weight! Her eyes sparkle and she is full of energy. The little Pom is working hard on the potty training and we are hoping, for the carpets sake that this catches on quick. Any ideas out there?

Max Finds a Home


Max- A Rottweiler that we were able to rescue from euthanasia thanks to the Orchard Park, NY Dog Wardens – and NO Thanks to Rottweiler “Rescues”, who either suggested euthanasia or didn’t  reply to our calls and e-mails at all.  Fox Wood was able find the perfect home for this beautiful, intelligent young dog. We hear he is doing great!

The Famous Foofye Calendars Available for 2009!

Don’t miss having the cutest little dog in the world grace your favorite wall!  Full color 2009 calendars available now for the incredibly LOW price of Just $24.00 – and your money will go toward a great cause: rescuing more dogs!  12 different  heartwarming photos!  Great gifts for your male dogs, your vet, and your animal-loving friends. Foofye followers- this calendar is a must-have! Send your order request to: foxladye@yahoo.com . PayPal payments can also be made to this same address. Free shipping and handling!!!!

Fee Fi Fo Fum Foofye